Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 2: A more in depth look! With a video!

As expected, day 2 went a lot smoother than the first! We got our system flowing right away and were able to crank out 3 teams (~60+ dogs) in great time. Today's teams had so much variety!


One thing that came to mind right away this morning was a sense of accomplishment in regards to my technician skills. After the first team this morning, I stepped back and realized I just pulled blood on 24 dogs in a row IN FRONT OF THEIR OWNER! Even in the clinic setting, technicians rarely draw blood in front the owners, the dogs are typically taken into treatment area. Yes, mushers are a definite breed of their own and are not too phased by needles and blood, but they still have all eyes on you when you're handling their dogs. I remember in school having sweaty and shaky hands doing my first few jugular blood draws in front of instructors and classmates; and now being able to do a full team of dogs with their mushers watching my every move...such personal "whoop whoop!" moment. Action shots below!
In this picture I am pressing my left hand into the dog to help fill the vessel and using my right hand to carefully feel for the vein. The jugular vein can vary in size by breed and can be VERY wiggly. Also, with these dogs we do not shave the area and they have very thick fur which makes it especially challenging! Notice the 2 mushers keeping a very close eye on whats going on!

In this picture I have inserted the needle and adjusting my angle for correct placement. Please notice how awesome these dogs are..the teams today needed barely any restraint and were so so brave :)

And we have blood! The hardest part is over, now on to the ECG!
 Jan, the head technician of the Iditarod gave a great ECG demo video today! Check it out! I apologize if my video skills were a little shakey! 

Alright, all the informational shlub is over! And I promise the cute puppy pictures are coming! Keep checking the blog because this Thursday I will work with Dallas Seavey and his team, 2012 Iditarod champions! Dallas has special ties to my hometown area in Wisconsin and is sponsored by JJ Keller and Associates! I know many of those who follow my blog who are familiar with Iditarod are anxiously awaiting my day with Dallas and his team, especially Victor Haen School in the Kaukauna School District! 

 Ok, time for some of the furry faces of Day 2!
Handsome man!

The faces of champions!

Always time left for cuddles :)


  1. Its so fun to wake up in the morning and read your blog! I love it! Great job!

  2. Of course as a former instructor of yours, you can only imagine my pride in reading this blog!! I always knew you would be a great tech Sophie and today certainly proved it!!! Jugular blood draws with no clipping and tons of thick fur????? You go girl!!! You rock!! :) LOVE the blog.......am learning so much thru your experience!

  3. Your blog is excellent, Sophie, thanks for posting all these great stories and photos. Good luck from everyone at Madison College!

  4. Quick correction, Soph. Dallas was 2012 champ, his dad Mitch was 2013.

    1. Thanks Anna, I know I need to correct that! I think I mentioned my mix up on a later post...I think i need to fix it permanently! Hahaha
